Sunday, March 14, 2010

Well, it's been a little over a week since my first chemo treatment and I've done surprisingly well! I have been so blessed...I haven't felt sick! Of all the possible side effects...and trust me, there are some scary ones...the only ones I've experienced are fatigue and headaches. The fatigue has been the worst of the two. I have literally slept for DAYS!!! I got my treatment on Thursday and slept until Monday afternoon! And even then I took several naps a day. I'm getting my energy back a little more each day. Now I just have this headache that sometimes keeps me in the bed. But overall, I feel like it's nothing I can't handle!
I went to the doctor this past Thursday just to have my blood levels checked. Well, my white blood count is pretty low (that's what fights infection.) I could get sick very easily and it would be pretty bad. Apparently, even a little cold could send me to the hospital. So...anytime I go out in public I'm supposed to wear a mask. That's why I wasn't at the spag dinner Thursday night. I was planning on coming and I really, REALLY wanted to but just couldn't risk getting sick. Never mind the fact that on my way TO the doctor I stopped into preschool and saw all my kids in PMO that I miss soooooo much and kissed all 8 of those snotty little angels! I don't even was so nice to see them. house is my sanctuary. This is where I'll spend a lot of time over the next 17 weeks. I've decided that I need a hobby while I'm on house I'm starting a garden.
The doctor has also decided to put in a port. This is a little disc like thing that will be under my skin up by my collar bone that feeds right into a vein. They had such a hard time getting an IV in last time that they're concerned about the Taxotere damaging my veins and possibly having to miss some treatments. (I guess I'd be a terrible heroin addict. What would I do if I couldn't shoot up?) It is supposed to make my life so much easier, especially since I hate needles so much. They can even draw blood from the port.
So I'll end my post with a sweet story from my precious little girls. Willa came up to me one day and said, "Mommy, you have no boobies?" "No baby, mommy has no boobies." So she pulls out her shirt and looks down and says, "You want one mine?" Then Madison comes running out of the office (still not sure how she found her way out of there) and says, "You can have one of mine too!" As crazy as they are, they are so sweet! Some people would give you the shirt off their back. My children would give you the boobies off their chest! If that ain't love I don't know what is!


  1. Oh, I love it!I'll see you tomorrow!

  2. You are amazing! I miss y'all. Reed can teach you to stay germ free. Latex gloves... Tell the kids uncle Scott says love you! Xo

  3. much happening in your life right now and yet you sound so grounded and calm. How do you do it? :) Been wanting to show you in some way how we are here for you and that you can count on us for anything...but not quite sure how. Would love to come by for a quick visit...maybe bring you something sweet you've been craving...or come help you dig in your garden? I talk to Kiran about you all the time and he responds by saying.."Poo?" Which I'm not quite sure what that means but it's either an attempt on "boobies" or it's "poop". Anyways - I'd love to visit...even would wear the mask for you...just to give you a hug. Kiran would like to give you a booger or two since that's what he's into sharing right now. Big, green, stretchy ones. You know the ones I'm talking about I'm sure. Keep up the blogging - we read every post...know that you're loved and very much missed at SAPS...and that there is a stash of boogies waiting on your return. :)

    Hugs to you and your family - Dallas, Andy and Kiran

  4. Hi Michelle,

    Sorry I haven't checked in. Have had a little bit of a problem with my neck but Kathy Franey has been keeping me up to date. Sounds like things are going about at well as can be expected. My first treatment was my worst and you kind of know what to expect with the next one. The drugs I was on were Taxotere (which I saw you also had), Carboplatin and Herceptin. The first two are the hard ones especially the taxotere which is probably the one that caused your back pain. Do you also get a Neulasta shot a day or two after your treatments? I did and never had any low blood counts. You might want to ask. Your little girls' story made me a little teary. If there's anything that I can do to help, please let me know. Survivors together!

