Thursday, February 4, 2010

Hey everyone! I'm home, I'm settled and I'm doing absolutely nothing! Nothing really new since Elizabeth posted the good news about the lymph nodes being cancer free. Since the beginning of all of this that's the first bit of good news I've gotten!
So far I'm doing great at home! I was considering staying over night in the hospital but now I'm glad I didn't. I would have been anxious and restless. So instead I stayed on the couch last night and caught up on some TV time between percocet induced comas! Overall I feel pretty good. It's uncomfortable but not too painful. The hardest part is the doing nothing. That doesn't come easy to me!
My mom and Reed have been wonderful nurses...yes, even Reed! I've been demanding and they're keeping up. My friends are wonderful, from the cleaning crew to the cooking crew, but especially the caring crew! Kids are home and I couldn't be happier to see them! They had a blast at Banks and Lisa's house and are probably bored now that they're home.
So for those of you that are "scared to bother me"...don't be! I need some company and someone to talk don't be afraid to stop by or call. I'm not going anywhere!


  1. Michelle, I'm glad to hear that things are going well. I have to admit I was a little anxious about you coming straight home, but it sounds like it was a good decision. I know it is more comfortable & now that you have the girls with you it's probably more comforting to you. I'm glad to hear that Reed is taking good care of you! I hope your recovery time is quick. I'll try to get Nana down there in a couple of weeks. I wrote her a note to remember to pray for you Wed. morning & she did! Hugs & Kisses to you! Love, Sandy

  2. Michelle . . great job .. sounds like you are taking this on like a champ & will come through it with flying colors.

    Love Andrew & Lori

  3. Hey baby, I am glad to hear the lymph nodes are good. I miss u guys! Tell Madison and Willa that Uncle Scott says hi!! Love u!

  4. Praising God for your good news and recovery!!!! You are an inspiration!
    Holly & Hunter
